Fats, Oil and Grease Level Probe AM-FOG
Aquametrix AM-FOG is the first probe that can reliably and inexpensively measure the levels of FOG (fats, oil, and grease) in a grease interceptor. Because it is based on measuring the electrical properties of the surrounding medium there are no moving parts or expensive transducers. The result is a probe that can withstand the extreme physical and chemical environment of a grease interceptor. The AM-FOG probe consists off a chain of sensors that can be made to any length— from 18 to 64 inches The probe communicates via Bluetooth to an Android app., which enables complete control over the probe including:
- A bar graph showing the location and depth of the FOG layer. and the temperature. It shows a warning when the FOG layer exceeds 25% of the trap volume.
- A simple calibration of the probe in air and water.
- A configuration screen for customizing the values that differentiate FOG from water.
- A diagnostic screen for troubleshooting interceptor interiors. The FOG probe can be also used in any container where the level of water and oil must be known.