Step 2 new for Compressed Air Analysis : Measurement of Compressed energy costs

Step 2 new for Compressed Air Analysis : Measurement of Compressed energy costs

To accurately measure the specific performance of a compressed air system, a measurement interval of at least seven days is recommended, as it take account into diverse operating conditions and ensures reliable data. 

Example of a 2 compressor system measurement

Specific power of compressor 1

= active power meter_1/VD 500_1

= 17.472 kWh/145.600 m³ = 0.12 kWh/m³

Specific power of compressor 2

= active power meter_2/VD 500_2

= 4.368 kWh/27.300 m³ = 0.16 kWh/m³

Total specific power

= (Compressor energy 1 + Compressor energy 2)/ meter reading VA 500

= (17.472 kWh + 4.368 kWh)/ 172.900m³ 

= 0.126 kWh/m³ 

Basing on a operating hour of 8h/day and 26 days/month, then:

Compressed air energy costs per month

= 0.3370MYR/kWh x 0.126 kWh/m³ x 172.900m³ x 8h/day x 26 days

= 1527.07MYR

As compressed air consists around of 75% cost of generation, then the cost of generation is approximately 2036.09 MYR.

To effectively monitor the condition of the system, the following sensors are used:

  1. IAC 500 - Measures atmospheric pressure, humidity and temperature.
  2. CS PM 5110 - Measures current consumption and active power
  3. VD 500 - For volume flow on wet site of compressor
  4. FA 500 - Dew point measurement immediate reaction in case of dryer failure, avoiding corrosion and machine breakdowns.
  5. VA 500 - Achieve accurate flow measurements, optimize energy costs and leakage monitoring.


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