CMR Optical Leak Alarm – Type OLS2-3
Application of Optical Leak Alarm
Introducing the Optical Leak Alarm – Type OLS2-3, a cutting-edge solution to leak detection in one or two zones. Rest assured that your sensitive equipment remains safeguarded against liquid leaks. We have designed this Leak Alarm to be used in areas where dirt or dampness can accumulate. This could be environments such as sump tanks, bunded areas and drip trays etc.
Advantages of using the Optical Leak Alarm
The Optical Leak Alarm differs from LD2-3 WATER LEAK DETECTION ALARM as it uses Optical Sensors, not a Water Leak Detection Rope or Spot Probes. While the Rope excels at detecting water leaks, the Optical Sensors offer a broader range of liquid detection. This can include oils, water, antifreeze, and coolants, among others.
Moreover, the Optical Sensors exhibit exceptional durability, rendering them perfect in hazzardous environments where detection cables are unsuitable. Additionally, you have the flexibility to install these sensors either as floor standing or wall mounted, further enhancing convenience and adaptability.
Information about the Optical Leak Sensor
The mode of operation relies on the principle of total internal reflection. Within a plastic (Polysulfone) dome, an LED and photo-transistor are enclosed. In the absence of water, the LED light is internally reflected from the dome to the photo-transistor. However, when water contacts the dome, the effective refractive index at the dome-water boundary alters, enabling some light to escape from the LED. Consequently, the photo-transistor receives a diminished amount of light, indicating the presence of water.

Standard Features
- Alphanumeric display for ease of Alarm identification from a distance
- On board audible warning device to alert local operators of a problem
- Alarms latched until Mute operated to give indication of transient water leaks
- Common alarm relay to onward signal to a BMS or used to shutdown water valves
- Optional output to remote sounder beacon
- Optional output to SMS text messaging system