Ultrasonic Air Leak Detector Reporting Software LD500 LD510
CS Instruments Ultrasonic Leak Detector CS Leak Reporter V2 - reporting software for LD 500/510
After you have imported the leakage data documented with the LD 500 or LD 510 into the "CS Leak Reporter V2" desktop software, you can create automated leakage reports on your computer with just a few clicks. This saves you a lot of time and effort instead of manually noting, sorting, and visualizing the data. This saves you a lot of time since there is no need to manually note, sort and visualize the data.
With the report, you can show the operator of the compressed air system or the department manager, the company's energy manager, or ISO 50.001 auditor which leaks have been repaired and by how much you have reduced the loss of compressed air in your company. The report shows the savings in energy costs, e.g., €, electrical energy in kWh and emissions in tons of CO2 each year.